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How To Block Someone On Tinder (4 Easy Steps With Images)

How To Block Someone On Tinder (4 Easy Steps With Images)

As of now, there are two ways to block people, so let’s talk about how to block someone on Tinder. The two ways are to either block them using their phone number or unmatch and block them. Both of which make it so that you will never see each other on the app again.

There are many good reasons for both but first is the most useful in our opinion. Perhaps you don’t want to see your ex or coworkers. The other method, while not as helpful, is still good, and we will be going over how exactly to do both.

However, it should be mentioned really quickly that blocking someone via phone number is reversible but blocking a match is not. Once you’ve blocked them, that’s it. So let’s get into how to block someone on Tinder.

How To Block Someone On Tinder With Their Contact Info

This is super useful, and we wish that Tinder had implemented this feature earlier. The main purpose of this feature is to make sure you don’t run into anyone that you don’t want to.

This could be an ex, family members, or coworkers. It’s nice because it keeps things from getting awkward and not fun.

The best and easiest way to do this is by uploading your contacts to Tinder and then selecting the people who are saved as a contact in your phone and blocking them.

To do this, start by opening the app and going to the bottom right corner, and clicking on your profile icon.

This will take you to the settings menu, where you can scroll down and find “Block Contacts” Click on that.

Your phone will ask you if you want to give Tinder access to your contacts. Press yes, and then you will have your contacts imported, and you will be ready to block people who you don’t want to see or don’t want to be seen by.

All you have to do is select the contacts you want to block, and that is it you won’t see them, and they won’t see you.

How To Block Someone Tinder Directly With Their Phone Number

Perhaps you don’t want to give Tinder your contact list, or you only want to not see one or two people. In that case, you can use their phone number to block them on Tinder directly.

Start by following the same steps of going to your profile, then clicking “Settings,” and then clicking on “Block Contacts.” Once you are there, you need to click on the plus symbol at the top right corner of your screen.

Then fill out the information for their name and phone number, as well as their email address if you have it, but that isn’t necessary.

Once you have done that, then you are ready to go, and you will never have an awkward moment on the app.

How To Block A Match on Tinder

Now Tinder has done a great way of changing the way we date online. After its launch in 2012, it became the number one dating app, and to our knowledge, it is still the most popular dating app on the market today.

However, https://besthookupwebsites.org/dil-mil-review/ it does have some disadvantages. You do swipe on a lot of people and end up chatting with a lot of people you don’t know. As a result, you sometimes end up coming across some pretty toxic folks.

Obviously, you don’t have their number, but you still never want to see them ever again on the app. So here is how to block someone on Tinder after matching them.

It turns out that by simply unmatching them, you will never see them on the app again. But in case you don’t know how to unmatch someone, here is a quick guide.

You want to start by opening the app and going to your messages. Then you want to select the conversation of the person you want to unmatch with. In the top right corner, you will see a blue shield which is Tinder Saftey Toolkit.

Click the “Yes, Unmatch” prompt to confirm that you are unmatching them at that is all you have to do.

We hope this guide on how to block someone on Tinder was helpful. We know it has been useful for us, and we enjoy sharing it with you. We also hope that it helps you avoid any uncomfortable situations in the future. If you want more content on Tinder then check out our latest post on their Algorithm and how to beat it. Happy swiping!

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